DE1-SoC My First FPGA Functional Simulation manual

Note: Do not use spaces in any file or directory names!

Sample instructions for creating SOF
  1. File > New Project Wizard, Next
  2. Add Files, Next
  3. Name of this Project: Light
  4. Device Family: Cyclone V (E/GX/GT/SX/SE/ST)
  5. Devices: Cyclone V SE Mainstream
  6. Select device: 5CSEMA5F31C6, Next, Next
  7. Simulation Tool Name: None, Format: None
  8. Uncheck "Run gate-level simulation automatically after compilation", Next
Family Settings
New Project Wizard, Family & Device Settings [page 3 of 5]
  1. Finish
  2. File | New | VHDL", OK
  3. File | Save As
  4. Default name is ok; Save
  5. Add to project with: Project | Add Current File to Project
  6. Compile the design: Processing | Start Compilation
  7. Since the original design was for a DE2, we'll convert to DE 1 with
  8. f PIN_V16 (led red)
  9. x1 PIN_AB12 (sw0)
  10. x2 PIN_AC12 (sw1)
  11. Set with Assignments | Pin Planner
  12. Tools > Programmer
  13. Click Auto Detect
  14. Select 5CSEMA5 and click OK
  15. Select SCSEMA5F31; click Change File
  16. Note: the FPGA is the SCSEMA5 icon
  17. Note: the HPS is the SOCVHPS icon
  18. Click on Program/Configure tab
  19. Press Start button
  20. Truth Table (Figure 11)Figure 11 Truth Table
  21. Chapter 6: Simulating the Designed Circuit
  22. Processing | Start | Start Analysis & Elaboration
  23. Open waveform editor: File | New, University Program VWF
  24. Save as light.vwf
  25. Include input and output nodes of the circuit: Edit | Insert | Insert Node or Bus, use "Node Finder", with Pins: All, click on List
  26. Funcational Simulator Node Finder
  27. Click of each signal, then click on the > sign to add it; click OK, and then click OK
  28. Wave Form
  29. Click on X1, set to 0 from 0 to 100nx; set x1 to 1 from 100 to 200 ns
  30. Click on x2, set to 1 from 50 to 100nx; and also from 150 to 200 ns (corresponds to truth table
  31. )

Optional: Test with stand alone ModelSim PE Student Edition, 10.4a

  1. Change to the current directory with: File | Change Directory
  2. Create new library: File | New | Library Use default name of "work"
  3. Compile simulation file created previously: Compile | Compile simulation\modelsim\ DoorOpener.vht
  4. Verify that there are no errors in the command line interupter
  5. Optional: compile the cli with: vcom -reportprogress 300 -work work c:/Users..../simulation/modelsim/DoorOpenerTest.vht

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