1. Use the SOPC Builder or Qsys tools in Quartus Prime
  2. Or use the University Program under Computer_Systems/DE1-Soc/DE1-Soc_Computer/verilog/DE1_Soc_Computer.qpf)
  3. then open "DE1_Soc_Computer.v"
  4. This creates a computer system than can be implemented on the "DE1-Soc Computer"
  5. Use the Altera Monitor program to assemble/compile Nios II prgorams written in assembly language or C
  6. To reset the Nios II processor, press Key0

To load the DE1-Soc System on the Monitor Program: Specify A System
Note: Located in the University_Program subdirectory

Load the "getting started C Program" for program type: Specify type of program

Specify the getting_started.c program: Specify Program Details

NIOS Tutorial

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