All directions are for use in the HPS system

Urgent: The name of the Ubuntu distribution used on the MicroSD system is quantal, version 12.10

The first order of business is to set the date and time of the system:

Then add the above to the file /etc/rc.local so that the current date and time is set upon each boot; there is no "clock" in hardware like pcs

For reference, the proper way to determine the distribution name and other Ubuntu information is:

  • cat /proc/version
  • uname -a
  • cat /etc/issue
  • dmesg | less
  • cat /proc/version
  • lsb_release -a
  • lsb_release -sc

After signing on to the DE1-SOC HPS, type:

# cd /etc/apt

# cat sources.list

Edit the file sources.list (vi is likely your only option):

    Delete all of the entries as they are outdated and no longer exist; add these following lines
    NOTE I have added special character ℵ that represents a space. It is CRITICAL that you replace the ℵ with a normal space or your updates will fail
    Note: You must not split these lines!
  • deb ℵ quantal ℵ main ℵ universe
  • deb ℵ quantal ℵ main
  • deb-src ℵ quantal ℵ main ℵ universe
  • deb-src ℵ quantal ℵ main
  • deb ℵ quantal ℵ multiverse
  • deb-src ℵ quantal ℵ multiverse
  • deb ℵ quantal-updates ℵ multiverse
  • deb-src ℵ quantal-updates ℵ multiverse

Note: It appears that the folks no longer are supporting quantal

They appear to be replaced with

Be sure to write the new contents before exiting out

Since you have changed the "mommie" directory, you need to refresh the list of packages with:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

In general principle, here are the commands to open the typical downloads will you need. Typically they will "live" in /root/Downloads

  • tar xjf file.tar.bz2
  • cd file
  • ./configure
  • bzip2 -dk file.bz2

Also, you can use file -s /dev/mmcblk0 to show the disk parameters, to see the specifics for the boot partition:
file -s /dev/mmcblk0p2 which reveals

  • /dev/mmcblk0p2: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data, UUID=5f6343aa-dfd7-4a30... (needs journal recovery) (large files)

And for the case of a flash drive mounted on /dev/sda1, you can run file -s /dev/sda1
revealing: x86 boot sector, FREE-DOS Bootloader KERNEL.sys,FAT (32 bit) sectors/FAT 3815, unlabeled
Note: I had formated that flash drive as a bootable Free Dos disk

In this case, if I want to "copy" the running file system to the flash drive, I can use

To check the packages installed, use dpkg --get-selections | more

apt-get install linaro-image-tools

apt-get install filezilla

apt-get install aptitude

apt-get install python_software_properties

apt-get update

apt-get install software_properties_common

apt-get install bzip2

apt-get install nslookup

apt-get --download-only --reinstall install resolvconf

apt-get install resolvconf

dpkg --purge --force-depends resolvconf

apt-get install resolvconf

apt-get install wget

apt-get install partimage

apt-get install bzr

apt-get install parted

apt-get install links

apt-get install lynx

apt-get install traceroute

apt-get install add-apt-repository

apt-get install apt-get-repository

Since the version of Firefox is quite buggy, the text browers lynx and links are very helpful

To determine the actual boot device use parted -l; the device is listed in Disk
For example, mine is /dev/mmcblk0 so typing the command
parted -s /dev/mmcblk0 reveals:
/dev/mmcblk0: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0x6,starthead 121, startsector 9000000, 40960 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 66, startsector 4096, 8992768 sectors; partition 3: ID=0xa2, starthead 32, startsector 2048, 2048 sectors, code offset 0xb8

FYI: The technique for mounting a flash drive is
mkdir /media/USBflash
mount /dev/sda1 /media/USBflash
You only need to run "mkdir" only once
umount /media/USBflash

FYI: to manually load a Debian package, use:
dpkg -i packagename

    Since there is little software configure to run for the ARM aritchecture with the older quantal codename, here is simple example of downloading a source package, making and install a command line Jason creator:
  • wget --no-check-certificate
  • tar xzf jo-1.0.tar.gz
  • cd jo-1.0
  • ./configure
  • make check
  • ./jo -a jo
  • make install

To reboot type reboot and to shutdown, type shutdown -h now

parted -l
Using the correct disk listed under "Disk", /dev/mmcblk0, and Partition, in my case, 2, use

If you wish to try to "backup" your microcard, try using:
dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/sda1 or
dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=~/File.img
Note: As of 28 March, 2016, neither method worked for my machine.

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